Call for Proposals – Nav Canada Bargaining
The collective agreement with Nav Canada expires on December 31, 2023. In order to prepare for negotiations later this year, we are calling for contract proposals from all Nav Canada members.
Proposals must be submitted using the Bargaining Proposal Manager (BPM) which can be accessed via the local’s website. When completing the proposal form, please ensure all of the fields are completed thoroughly providing as much information as possible so that the full impact of the proposal can be well understood.
All of the proposals submitted will be vetted by steering committees. These committees will send representatives to a national committee which will select the proposals that will be brought forward for bargaining. The majority of the negotiating team will also be made up of members from this national committee. I encourage all members who would like to be on any of these teams to reach out to their Executive Board Member or myself so that we can get as many people involved as possible.
If possible, it would be ideal to have a new contract negotiated before the end of the current one. As these contracts always take time to negotiate, we would like to get our required processes done sooner rather than later so that we are not blocking any critical paths for the negotiations. It is our hopes that we can hold all of our required steering committees before the summer and towards this goal I ask that all proposals for this round of bargaining be submitted no later than March 31st. While proposals submitted later will not be disregarded out of hand, they may not get the benefit of input from all Steering committees and may get deferred to a future round.
This process can be challenging. Any efforts that our members make will help us all achieve a better contract. From conversing with colleagues, to submitting proposals to taking part in any of our teams, I appreciate all contributions made for the benefit of our members.
In solidarity,
Jeff Wendt
President, IBEW Local 2228