
Unionized employees earn more but earnings are offset by union dues.


Union dues would have to exceed the 8% gap between unionized (vs non-unionized salaries)… that’s multiple times what Local 2228 dues are set at.

Unions continue to work to close the gender gap…. but the gap is higher (and salaries lower) in non-unionized workplaces:

Great Things Happen When You Get Involved

A Union is a democratic organization that advocates on your behalf for… :

  • Respect and fairness on the job
  • Better wage increases
  • Safe and healthy work environment
  • A real say in your job

  • More equal footing with your employer

  • A better economic future
  • Fair and equal treatment
  • Vacations and family leave
  • Equitable promotion and transfer
  • Workable grievance system

Why Organize? Ask Yourself

  • Looking to improve conditions in your current job?

  • Can we bargain collectively for better wages, benefits, and rights?
  • Seeking fair pay, decent benefits, and opportunities to grow?
  • Am I protected from employer coercion or discrimination?
  • How does having a voice in your workplace sound?
  • How can I leverage strength in numbers for negotiations and legal protections?

What Do I

This is all overwhelming, but I’m motivated. What do I do?

  • Quietly gauge interest among co-workers
  • Form an organizing committee
  • Collect information about issues and the employer
  • Talk to co-workers and gather support
  • Stay vigilant against employer anti-union tactics

  • Plan for a representation vote
  • Enjoy the benefits of union representation

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Contact IBEW Local 2228 for assistance
Start the journey towards a fairer, more empowered workplace.
