Federal Government Bargaining Update #2

Published On: 23 January 2023

The Local and the Treasury Board met for our second round of bargaining the week of January 17th.

The employer tabled its initial wage proposal with the following monetary increases.

2022- Base pay increase of 3.0%
2023- Base Pay increase of 2.0%
2024- Base Pay increase of 1.75%
2025- Base pay increase of 1.75%

The employer is seeking a four-year contract duration.

This initial monetary offer falls short of the Local’s expectations for wage increases. The employer also tabled language with respect to the timelines for wage increases and retroactivity implementation. Further discussion on these proposals will take place when we meet with the employer in February.

The parties came to agreement on a few other non-monetary proposals and had positive discussions on other topics that will hopefully clarify the meaning and intent of language in the collective agreement.

Negotiations over all are positive and productive at this point.

In Solidarity

Paul Cameron
Business Manager/Financial Secretary
IBEW LU 2228
