Federal Government Bargaining Update #3

Published On: 28 February 2023

The Local and the Treasury Board met for our third round of bargaining the week of February 20th.

The bargaining process remains collaborative and constructive at this point.

Discussions during the week resulted in the employer tabling a comprehensive offer in hopes of reaching a tentative settlement.

The comprehensive offer contained higher percentage wage increases than the previous round of bargaining along with several administrative changes proposed by the employer. The previously proposed economic rollbacks in certain premiums do not appear in this new comprehensive package.

Bargaining will continue with the employer while we wait to meet face to face again the week of April 3rd, 2023.

The Local’s bargaining team is continuing to work for additional monetary increases and other working condition benefits in this comprehensive offer.

In Solidarity

Paul Cameron
Business Manager/Financial Secretary
IBEW LU 2228
