IBEW Local 2228 Seeking IFATSEA Delegate

Published On: 15 May 2024

The Executive Board of IBEW Local 2228 is seeking a member in good standing to attend the International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations (IFATSEA) general assembly held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on October 20–24, 2024.

Ideal candidates should have some working knowledge of Air Navigation Provider operations in both a technical and regulatory manner. If selected, a member may be asked to present in one of the following areas:

Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP) Training and Competence Sub-Committee.

  • Future Systems and Air Traffic Management (ATM) Sub-Committee.
  • Safety Sub-Committee.
  • If applicable, the Women’s Sub-Committee

If interested, contact the executive board at execboard@ibew2228.ca. Write a brief description of 150 words or less explaining why you are the ideal candidate.

In solidarity,

Mohammed Osman

