Region 6 Representative

Published On: 05 November 2022

Members of IBEW 2228,

It is with mixed emotions that I put out this call on behalf of the Executive board to seek a volunteer to assume the role of the Region 6 representative.

We put out this call because Shawn Liddicoat, who has represented this region for many years over many terms is now leaving our Union to undertake what should be a very interesting opportunity. I met Shawn on my very first day of employment and on that day he struck me as a kind, intellegent individual. Now over the more than 20 years that I have known him, I can add honest, hardworking and dedicated to the traits that I attribute to him. His departure is a loss to both Nav Canada and our Union as he has contributed much over the years. For these contributions I offer my most sincere gratitude, for Shawn I offer my best wishes and for those who work with him in the future, know that you are most fortunate.

The role of the Region 6 representative will be filled by an Executive board decision over the coming months. Any member residing in Region 6 (British Columbia) is welcome to apply. The duties of this position involve overseeing the units in your region, organizing steering committees, serving on Executive board committees and attending week long Executive board meetings twice yearly. The ideal candidate will be able to keep on top of ongoing issues while maintaining an ability to think objectively towards the longer challenges and goals of our membership. If you are interested, please send me a message ( telling me about yourself, why you apply for the role and what you feel you can bring to the position. Furthermore, if anybody needs more information about this position before they decide to apply, I encourage you to reach out to me as well.

Thank you,

In Solidarity

Jeff Wendt

IBEW Local 2228 President
