Negotiation Update #4

Published On: 11 December 2023

The Local’s Negotiating Team met with Nav Canada from the 4th to the 8th of December.

The Negotiating Team was optimistic that we would be able to realize some significant gains during this week, however, as the week progressed that optimism faded quickly.

Agreements were made in a few areas such as personal leave and suitable accommodations.  However, it became clear that the employer would not be responding to several of our proposals as they wished to move towards a comprehensive Initial Offer of Settlement.

At this point, the local’s bargaining team has provided proposals for all topics from the Union side.  There were responses from the employer regarding a few topics including: luggage, standby, and professional development opportunities.  Unfortunately, the team was not able to realize any gains in these areas during the week.

An Initial Offer of Settlement was tabled by the employer on Thursday. Currently the tabled proposal is for a 3-year agreement with the following wages being proposed:

Effective January 1, 2024; 3.0% increase

Effective January 1, 2025; 2.5% increase

Effective January 1, 2026; 2.0% increase

This initial proposal is not acceptable to your Negotiating Team and they will be working on a counter-proposal for the next round. The professionalism and importance of the work Technologists perform to support a world in motion is worthy of more than what the company is presently offering.

The Local’s team will be meeting with the employer the week of January 8th to continue bargaining.

In the interim, the negotiating team is looking for your input as a member of the bargaining unit. We are evaluating the desired method of dispute resolution.  Our default as per our bylaws, is specified as “Conciliation/Strike”, however we can change our preferred method to “Mediation/Arbitration.”  As such, if you are a Nav Canada member, please take a moment and answer the following question by clicking on the following link and submitting your choice:

Please note that this is an opinion-based survey and as such is not legal or binding.  The local is simply assessing the current feelings of the Nav Canada membership and will use this information to make informed decisions.

Should you have any questions or concerns please send us a message at and we will set up a time to connect with you. As mentioned, if we get several inquiries, we will set up a teleconference.

In Solidarity

Paul Cameron

Business Manager/ Financial Secretary
